FFE - First in Flight Entertainment
FFE stands for First in Flight Entertainment
Here you will find, what does FFE stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate First in Flight Entertainment? First in Flight Entertainment can be abbreviated as FFE What does FFE stand for? FFE stands for First in Flight Entertainment. What does First in Flight Entertainment mean?First in Flight Entertainment is an expansion of FFE
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Alternative definitions of FFE
- Fourty Foot Equivalent
- Falling Film Evaporator
- Furniture, Fittings, And Equipment
- Free Flying Explosives
- flame field expedients
- Friends and Family Enterprises
- Falcon Foodservice Equipment
- Fast Forward Events
View 45 other definitions of FFE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FIS First Insurance Solutions
- FMCCL French Motor Car Co Ltd
- FLA For Love and Art
- FGS Fintech Growth Syndicate
- FCR Frontline Construction Recruitment
- FDN Freedom Digital Networks
- FESCD FES Credit Doctor
- FFH First Family Homes
- FPPL Footy Prophet Pty Ltd
- FTC Family Tree Chiropractic
- FCL Focus Computers Ltd
- FSC Full Spectrum Communications
- FGD Fuse Graphic Design
- FCI Food Centre Inc.
- FCML Fox Curtis Murray Limited
- FCUSA Fitness Coach USA
- FC Fishing for a Cause
- FST Five Stars Transportation
- FBCD Fellowship Bible Church Dallas
- FEC Fourth Elm Construction